Dev Boro Dis Dium and welcome to Scent From Goa, our ninth stop on this Scent From scented candle box journey. Life in May is slightly slower in Goa where grains of white sand flow through hands like time through galaxies, like water from mountain highs down through Gaia’s arteries, those jade-like estuaries into the Arabian Sea. Daily highs of thirty-plus degrees mean that it’s typically easier to spend your daytimes here beneath trees in a hammock leafing through bestsellers and more difficult reads, lapping up the crystalline ocean breezes, sipping from coconuts dreaming of local specialities like xit koddi, or fish curry to you and me. The sun setting is a sunset no matter your circumstance, but in the hot, jasmine-tinted night, with your feet in the cooling sand, this one speaks to your soul. This is Scent From Goa.
A Taste of Goa
By the sea, Goa is known for its seafood dishes. The below from mangopicklechicago is a mouthwatering take on the spicy and salty Goan fish curry, xit koddi.
Goa by Number
Coordinates: 15.2993°N; 74.1240°E
Language: Konkani, Marathi, Hindi, English, Portuguese
Religion: Hinduism
Population: ~ 1.9 million
Temperature: May is typically the hottest month, with average daily highs of 35°C
Currency: Indian Rupee (INR)
Popular music: Classical Indian and Portuguese, as well as, of course, Goa Trance!
What is in Scent From Goa?
Small Purple Elephant Candle
Karma Jasmine Cones
Metal Lotus Cone Holder
Amber & Rose Tin candle
Scent From So Far
Explore: Scent From Paris
Behind and above you the Savoyarde of Sacré-Cœur weightily sounds out the end of your evening; in front of you, lamps laconically illuminate the cobbled descent of Montmarte - bonjour et bienvenue to the fifth stop of our premium candle subscription box journey: Scent From Paris.
Explore: Scent From Bangkok
S̄wạs̄dī! to our written accompaniment of the sixth stop of our scented candle subscription box journey: Scent From Bangkok!
Explore: Scent From Barcelona
How like time this scented candle journey has flown: ¡Hola amigo! ¡Bienvenido a Scent From Barcelona!
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